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The views expressed by community members posting on this board are solely their own and do not represent the views of Willy Street Co-op.


The community posting boards at Willy Street Co-op are primarily used as resources for the benefit of our communities. The boards provide a place for citizens and community groups to post fliers and posters to advertise upcoming events, items for sale or trade, services, etc. Their use corresponds with our Global Ends Policy to nourish and enrich our community and environment.


At Willy East, the community posting board is located in the foyer near the free magazines and newspapers.There is a separate rack on the shelf below the board for businesses’ brochures and other outreach materials.

At Willy North, the community posting board is located in the foyer near the doors closest to the Lakeview Public Library. There is a separate shelf on the opposite end of the foyer for businesses' brochures and other outreach materials. 

At Willy West, the community posting board is outside the Community Room at the end of the hallway. There are shelves below for businesses’ brochures and other outreach materials.


Each posting must meet the following criteria:

  1. The posting date must be written in the corner of the poster/flier (event dates do not meet this requirement).
  2. Only one poster/flier may be posted per organization per event.
  3. Poster/flier cannot depict slogans or images denoting profanity, hate speech, or sexually explicit content.
  4. Please place business cards in the business card binder and pamphlets and postcards in the racks provided.
  5. Posters/fliers will be left on the board for one month. Co-op Services staff and Managers on Duty maintain this board, and remove posters/fliers after they have been up for one month.
  6. If a poster/flier does not meet the Co-op’s posting criteria, it is subject to removal.

Willy Street Co-op reserves the right to remove any and all materials from our property for any reason.