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DEI Dashboard

How are we doing in our pursuit of diversity, equity and inclusion at Willy Street Co-op? Below you can find our goals and how we are measuring our progress toward them. Not only do we plan to update the metrics quarterly, we also expect to add and change metrics over time to better measure our progress. Updated 7.31.24.

Owner & Community Engagement

1. Our customers reflect the demographics of the communities we serve.

2. The Co-op is a place where our community participates and is proud to shop.

Retail & Supply Chain Strategy

1. Increased focus on DEI in the Co-op’s vendor pool.

2. Product mix that is aligned with our brand identity while also reflecting the communities we serve.

Employee Engagement

1. Our employees reflect the demographics of the communities we serve.

2. We will become an employer of choice through a culture of acceptance, inclusion, and respect.