We have signed a contract with Step Up: Equity Matters as a continuation of our ongoing commitment to eliminating systemic racism in the workplace. The organization creates innovative, experiential, and engaging workshops to produce inclusive, equitable, and diverse environments. By focusing on how individual and institutional biases are formed, Step Up provides a framework for positive change.

Over the next three years Step Up: Equity Matters will work with Willy Street Co-op to build equity capabilities by:

  • Conducting an organizational equity assessment
  • Developing a strategic plan to prioritize equity initiatives across the following domains: 1) leadership and governance 2) talent 3) customer, owner and community relationships 4) branding and marketing 5) vendors and suppliers
  • Supporting the Co-op during strategic plan implementation with a focus equitable engagement and outcomes
  • Designing an experiential training program that focuses on recognizing, owning, and disrupting biases individually and organizationally

“We are encouraged by Willy Street Co-op’s commitment to do the work and to uproot biases that create inequitable outcomes for entire communities. We are excited to be part of this journey at this pivotal time in our society,” said Tania Ibarra, CPA, Co-founder of Step Up: Equity Matters.

Together with the Co-op’s commitment and Step Up’s expertise, this three-year initiative seeks to create a more inclusive, respectful, and innovative workplace culture that promotes equitable outcomes inside and outside their stores. In Madison and beyond, businesses are taking a stand against racism and injustice. As a community-minded cooperative business, Willy Street Co-op has a unique opportunity to walk the talk on cooperative principles, especially concern for the community. “The Co-op is owned by over 35,000 people. In order to continue representing the Madison and Dane County community well, the Co-op needs to commit to disrupting biases at the core of our structure,” said Board of Directors President Jeannine Bindl. “Step Up for Equity is a local organization that is able to provide the Co-op with the structure necessary to engage in this important work.”

“The result of the equity, inclusion and diversity assessment will be reflected in our strategic priorities that guide our most important work in the fiscal year and will remain a priority in the future,” said Anya Firszt, General Manager of the Co-op.

To learn more about Step Up: Equity Matters click this link.


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